Descendants of one of the owners build on the history of the 16th-century brewery. Their cosy little pub near the old manor brewery has an outside seating and a terrace overlooking the church. A colourful quarter of beers rotates on tap. They enjoy experimenting with interesting styles, and the owners’ thing is the bright and strong Honeymoon.
Genius noci
The oat lager was not overly heavy; it was enjoyable and fermentation-wise clean. Among the beers I tasted, the Orange Pepper Weizen impressed me the most. It was perfectly balanced in taste.
Opening Hours
nám. Palackého 330
Lomnice u Tišnova
Tips for nearby activities
Just a short way away, you’ll find the Cistercian monastery of Porta Coeli in Předklášteří. Guided tours of the Gothic core of the monastery are available hourly for groups of at least three persons. Explore the nature trails and bike paths in the area, as the local forests provide solace for the soul. Don’t forget to ascend the Klucanina lookout tower!
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